About Us

The Investors Club helps investors on average incomes and above build property investment portfolios across Australia and New Zealand. Since it was established in 1994, The Investors Club has researched, sourced and sold nearly 15,000 properties to more than 9,700 investors. More than 3,400 of these investors today hold property portfolios worth more than $1m in value. The Investors Club offers many services free to its investors, including sourcing tenants, research and building inspections. It also holds regular property education seminars and conferences throughout Australia. To find an event near you, visit www.tic.com.au/workshops.

Websites & Online Services
Work: http://www.tic.com.au/

Office: 1300 663 282

Office: Building 8, 107 Miles Platting Rd, Eight Mile Plains, Queensland, 4113, Australia