About Us

Bullseye is an independent digital agency based in Sydney, specialising in all areas of online advertising and marketing. Bullseye helps leading brands take advantage of the web by providing creative ideas backed with serious technology. Bullseye clients include Blackmores, ANZ, Engin, Aussie and SEEK. Topics and issues that Bullseye can comment on: * Bullseyes profile amongst target audiences in the marketing and business * The Bullseye brand and services * Attracting digital talent * Business predictions for 2009- the effects of the financial crisis * Digital marketing * Web 2.0 * Blogs * Online advertising * Online video * The ad agency of the future * Digital strategies Spokesperson: Jim McKerlie, CEO of Bullseye Jim McKerlie is the Group CEO of the Bullseye Group and has considerable business leadership experience thanks to his long career in international management, consulting and the media. When he’s not brushing up his wine tasting skills or being a Rugby Union tragic, Jim spends every other moment driving the international and Australian activities of the company including strategy, acquisitions and business development. Jim has built The Bullseye Group into one of Australia’s leading digital services agencies and he is keen to share his business leadership insights with BNET. Some consulting career highlights include being: * Lead consultant on the Broadband Services Experts Group demand study that lead to the federal Governments “Networking Australia’s Future” policy in 1993 – the first serious study in Australia on the future impact of the internet * Conceiver and lead advisor on creating PowerTel which involved merging the telecom assets/activities of Energy Australia (Sydney), Energex (Brisbane) and CitiPower (Melbourne) and finding an overseas telecoms partner to create a new telecommunications company in Australia. PowerTel merged with AAPT in 2007. * Lead consultant on selling Australia’s third mobile telecommunication license to Vodafone * Managing Partner of Deloitte Consulting and directly involved in the global merger of Deloitte and Touche Ross consulting businesses Other interesting moments in Jim’s career include: * Jim woke up one morning to a fax from the Czech Republic asking if he could help them. By 2pm he was on a flight to Prague (after getting a visa) to arrive, attend a four hour meeting and get on the plane to fly back home. Jim insists it was well worth the fee. * This effort can only be outdone by the fact that Jim has broken bread with Nelson Mandela when working in South Africa on the broadcasting industry restructure. Life lesson * It’s all about good wine and a game of rugby.


Websites & Online Services
Website: http://wwwbullseye.com.au

Office: Guy 02 8281 3836
Office: Ofa 02 8281 3811

Headquarters: 11 Talavera Rd, Macquarie Park, New South Wales, NSW, Australia