About Us

Change Mania is the business behind Stickystories.co, a Brisbane-based start-up founded by Leisha Boyle in 2016 with the support of co-owner Leigh Walker. Stickystories seeks to inspire a new way to engage audiences through stories – stories that support organisational goals by generating a memorable moment. Our motto: don’t explain it … tell a story. As seasoned experts, the stickystories team uses real-life experience to develop short, hot-topic animations for use in presentations and workshops. We tackle common topics in a digital format, ready to share them with professionals across the globe. In launching the stickystories.co startup, Leisha has preferred to work closely with the local Brisbane business community, from web design to voiceover talent, and has drawn from an extensive professional network in Australia for relevant story content.

Websites & Online Services
Work: http://www.stickystories.co

Office: +61414830544

Office: 20 Hebe St, Bardon, Queensland, 4065, Australia