About Us

The Competitive Carriers' Coalition began in 2001 as an informal alliance of the leading non-dominant carriers in the Australian telecommunications market. It became a formal industry association in August 2004. The objects of the association are to represent the interests of non-dominant carriers in relation to the development and implementation of industry policy in order to: -Promote competition in Australia's communications industries -Promote efficient investment and competition in Australia's communications industries with the aim of delivering improved services and competitive prices to users -provide a forum for non-dominant carriers to speak with a united voice on issues which are important to the future of Australia's communications industries and the information economy. The inaugural members of the CCC are: -Comindico -Hutchison Telecoms -Macquarie Corporate Telecommunications -PowerTel -Primus Telecoms Between them, these members represent investment in telecommunications infrastructure of about $4 billion. They have been pioneers in deploying the latest generation technologies in both fixed and wireless telecommunications. Perhaps even more importantly, the CCC members have pioneered competitive pricing, products and services in many communications markets in Australia that did not experience the benefits of competition before they entered the market. These markets include wholesale telecommunications infrastructure such as transmission and Internet access and retail markets for business and residential consumers. In many markets, the individual members compete with each other. In every market in which CCC member companies operate, benefits in the form of reduced pricing and new and better services have quickly followed their entry. However, the

Office: +61 438 121 114

Headquarters: Canberra, Australia