About Us

We offer Wholesalers, Internet Service Providers, System Integrators, Resellers, IT Consultants and Agents a complete and professional VoIP product ready for immediate launch to their customers. We have recognised that although enterprise-level organisations are well serviced with VoIP solutions, and the residential market is being flooded with cheap VoIP offerings, the vast majority of Australian businesses are caught in the middle - not being able to afford enterprise solutions and requiring more features, support and quality of service than the home market. ISPhone provides a secure business-grade carrier network, all network connectivity and administration, full end-user billing, highly discounted hardware, a complete marketing plan including customised sales collateral, all end user administration documentation, end user financing, personalised customer and technical service and support. We also offer the best rates for business grade VoIP in Australia.

Websites & Online Services
Website: http://www.isphone.com.au

Office: +61 2 8213 8686

Headquarters: Suite 3, 99 Alexander Street, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000, Australia