About Us

My 5 Minute Maths Tutor is a highly specialised primary school maths education program. It is an online, ad-free, child-safe platform that focuses on explicit teaching methods emphasizing clear direction and constant review; mirroring a "back-to-basics" teaching style that is now being recognized as best practice. Custom designed and built by master childhood educator Kirrily M. Kuschert, the program was developed using the unique Maths Mastery Formula; a unique model that Kirrily developed over more than 3 decades of her career. Using this precise & systematic formula, the program steps children through developing genuine mastery of maths in primary school; prioritising this critical learning and development phase while directly addressing the issue of Innumeracy (or mathematical inability) at its core and proactively; eliminating the opportunity for it to ever develop.


Websites & Online Services
Website: http://my5mmt.com

Office: 0414858575

Headquarters: Suite 1, level 1, Engadine, New South Wales, 2233, Australia