About Us

About Rentless Innovating the Australian Rental Market Overview: Founded in 2023, Rentless is a dynamic, forward-thinking startup poised to transform the Australian rental landscape. With a focus on innovation, transparency, and efficiency, Rentless offers a unique online platform that connects tenants and landlords, streamlining the rental process and fostering a sense of community in the housing market. Mission: Our mission is to revolutionise the rental experience by simplifying the process of finding and securing a home. We aim to eliminate the hassles and uncertainties typically associated with renting, making it a seamless, enjoyable journey for both tenants and landlords. Vision: Rentless envisions a rental market where every interaction is based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. We strive to be the go-to platform in Australia for anyone seeking a rental home or looking to rent out their property, setting the benchmark for quality and reliability in the industry. Services: User-friendly online platform for closed tenant profiles. Comprehensive tenant and landlord profile verification system. Personalised property matching based on user preferences. Community-driven approach with emphasis on building lasting relationships. Founders: Daniel Sturrok and Phillip Bellifemine, with their personal experiences in the rental market, identified key challenges faced by tenants and landlords. Their insights led to the creation of Rentless, where they bring their expertise and innovative solutions to the forefront of the rental industry. What Sets Us Apart: Commitment to authenticity and transparency. Innovative features like profile boosting for enhanced visibility, soon to be implemented matching algorithm. User-centric design and functionality. Strong community focus, prioritising user satisfaction and support. For Press Inquiries: Contact: Phillip Bellifemine Email: phillip@rentless.com.au Phone: +61 414244267 Social Media Links: Website: https://rentless.com.au Instagram: https://instagram.com/rentless.au/ Twitter: tbc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rentless.au LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rentless-au/


Websites & Online Services
Website: http://rentless.com.au

Office: (03) 9000 0109

Office: 480 Collins Street, Australia