About Us

Any computer support business can do maintenance, sell you new hardware but can they cure computer stress? The Tall Emu difference is simple - we provide breathtaking levels of service when you need it the most. Phone Support - You can call any time you have a problem. Evenings, weekends, late on the night before your "Big Presentation", public holidays or any combination of the above! Remote Support - We take remote control of your computer to troubleshoot problems instantly - don't stress while waiting for help to arrive, we'll get started on it right away. Especially useful to executives travelling with Laptop computers. On Site Support - We'll visit you anywhere - at the office, your home and fix your problems onsite. Our development team has years of experience in developing software solutions that improve your bottom line. We're sure we have the technical skills to help you. eBusiness application development Proof of Concept/Prototype Development Business Process Automation Credit Assessment Systems Application Maintenance Billing and Telecommunications Enterprise Architecture Integration Refactoring legacy applications to J2EE and .NET Adoption of new Technologies like XML and Web Services Shrink-wrap application development Wireless Technologies - WAP, SMS and MIDP Security and Financial Services We're always thinking of software solutions to reduce stress and save time and money. This page shows a short selection of some the things we have developed for Tall Emu that we make available to our clients. Of course, everyone can use Wombat - our complete IT management system - or the PC Store.


Websites & Online Services
Website: http://www.tallemu.com.au

Office: +61 2 9299 9959