About Us

Infohrm is the global leader in workforce planning, reporting, and analytics. We give business leaders the tools to improve the quality of their data-driven human capital decisions. These tools range from enablement technology, human capital dashboards, strategic consulting, HR professional development, thought leadership, to human capital benchmarking. Infohrm partners achieve success by using information to gain greater insight into their workforce to allow for greater business impact across the organisation. A known market leader, Infohrm shares its unique philosophy with over 160 public, private, and non-profit sector organisations. Our clients include many of the world’s leading organisations, such as Insurance Australia Group, Nokia, Starbucks, and Westpac. By aggregating, publishing, and analysing workforce data, Infohrm improves the quality of their partners’ human capital decisions, increases the role of HR as a strategic business partner, and allows for more effective implementation of HR and business strategies. Whether an organisation is in the early phases of workforce planning, human capital measurement, reporting, or seeking a partner to conduct in-depth workforce modelling, Infohrm has the skills and expertise required to improve performance. With over 25 years of human capital measurement experience, Infohrm has developed a reputation for the integrity and quality of data capture and analysis, exemplarily client partnerships, and commitment to building a community of highly skilled HR professionals.


Websites & Online Services
Website: http://www.infohrm.com.au

Office: 02 9967 8022