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Publishing House of Electronic Industry
China Publishing House of Electronics Industry (PHEI) was founded in 1982. She is a central first class publishing house, specialized in science and technology and education publishing, and directly administrated under the Ministry of Informatio...

Publishing Services Australia
PSA is a long established medium enterprise media business owned and managed by Andrew Stewart and Carol Williams. Operating in the publishing and communications industry PSA has established market leading multi-media outlets that operate in th...

Pure Hacking
Pure Hacking is Australia’s leading specialist information security consultancy. As the authoritative source in strategic, application, infrastructure and operational services, Pure Hacking has set the standard for ethical hacking and security c...

QAS Singapore
QAS is the world leader in address management solutions. Its range of QuickAddress software is based on a unique technology designed to effectively manage customer information, whether it be for outbound customer mailings, data input or capturin...