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VeCommerce assists organisations deliver exceptional customer interactions! This is achieved through a detailed analysis of existing customer processes and the development and provision of applications that utilise speech recognition, voice biom...

Since 1969, Verbatim has been at the forefront of the evolution in data storage technology. Today, more than 30 years later, Verbatim remains one of the most recognisable names in the data storage industry and is an international market leader i...

Verifone Australia Pty Ltd
VeriFone, recognised worldwide as a leader in secure electronic payment technologies, provides expertise, solutions and services for today with a smart migration strategy for tomorrow. VeriFone is a leading manufacturer of EFTPOS terminals, lead...

VeriSign Asia Pacific
VeriSign, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRSN), operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. VeriSigns suite of services in Asia Pacific includes authenticatio...

VERITAS Software
VERITAS Software, one of the 10 largest software companies in the world, is a leading provider of software to enable utility computing. In a utility computing model IT resources are aligned with business needs, and business applications are deli...

Verizon Business
Verizon Business is a leading provider of advanced communications and IT solutions to large businesses and governments. Verizon Business delivers advanced IP, voice, data and security solutions to large business and government. In July this year...