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IFS is one of the world’s leading providers of component-based business software developed using open standards. Since 1983, IFS has been a provider of business applications focused on meeting the needs of selected industries. Today, IFS operate...
iiNet is Australia’s second largest DSL Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the leading challenger in the telecommunications market. We employ more than 2000 inquisitive staff across four countries and support over 1.3 million broadband, telepho...

UXC Limited is an S&P / ASX 300 listed Australian business solutions company that has grown its market capitalisation from some $7 million in 1998 to approximately $110 million today. UXC Limited offered a dividend yield of over 6.25% fully fran...

Impress Media Australia
Impress Media Australia (ABN 53 065 006 537) is a full-service Public Relations agency for businesses that want to make a difference. Our clients range from start-up companies to government agencies, from health services to eco-design specialist...