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The Driven Path of Andrew Tavares

Announcement posted by Sensuous 28 May 2024

A Journey from South Africa to Global Business Success

Introducing Andrew Tavares, the new the Global Business Development Manager for Sensuous, embodies a journey marked by perseverance, passion, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. His professional narrative is one that offers inspiration, reflecting a life driven by ambition and guided by the values of integrity and hard work.

Tavares's career began with a role that laid the foundation for his professional ethos: as an assistant brand manager at National Brands - Isotonic Game. His early experiences in brand management equipped him with the skills to navigate the complex landscape of business development. However, Tavares's growth was significantly shaped by the mentorship of two pivotal figures: Jordan B. Peterson and his father. These mentors instilled in him the importance of leading by example and maintaining integrity, principles that have been central to his career.

Before assuming his current position, Tavares served as a Sales Executive at The Signal Group. His tenure there was marked by a dedication to providing solutions and a passion that fuelled his motivation at work. Tavares is inspired by individuals who lead by example with integrity, a trait he admires and emulates in his own professional conduct.

Tavares's most-used productivity hack, "What you sow is what you reap," encapsulates his approach to work.

He believes that the effort and dedication one invests directly influence the outcomes, a philosophy that has undoubtedly contributed to his success.

While Tavares has carved a niche in the business development sector, his aspirations extend beyond his current role. He envisions a future where he transitions into a Sales Manager position, bringing his expertise and passion to a higher level of strategic influence. Interestingly, if given the chance to pursue any career, Tavares would choose to be a business owner in the entertainment and travel industry, blending his professional acumen with his personal interests.

As a child, Tavares dreamt of becoming a superhero, specifically Kraven. This early aspiration hints at his innate desire to be a figure of influence and impact, a trait that he carries into his professional life.

Outside the realm of business, Tavares has a rich array of interests and hobbies. He is a fan of 80's and 90's hot hits, with his most memorable concert experience being an Andre Rieu performance. His love for travel has taken him to beautiful destinations like Bermuda and New York, which he counts among his best travel experiences.



Tavares is also an avid reader, particularly of biographies. His favorite recent read is Jordan B. Peterson's "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos," a book that aligns with his mentor's influence and his own life philosophy. In addition to his intellectual pursuits, Tavares is a state field hockey player and a dedicated supporter of the South African rugby team, the Springboks.

Described by friends as passionate, Tavares is an extrovert who thrives in social settings. Despite his many strengths, he acknowledges areas for personal growth, such as improving his patience. However, his perseverance stands out as a defining trait, and he proudly admits to being really bad at giving up.

When it comes to daily habits, Tavares is a night owl who prefers tea over coffee. He has no desire to change anything about his life, embracing each day as if it were his last, and he holds a positive outlook on his current path.

Having lived in South Africa for 33 years before moving to Australia for a new beginning, Tavares's life is a testament to his adaptability and resilience. If he could meet any historical figure, he would choose Marco Polo, perhaps reflecting his own adventurous spirit and interest in exploration.

In a hypothetical scenario where he is stranded on a deserted island, Tavares would bring a pair of glasses, plastic sheeting, and rope—items that showcase his practicality and readiness for survival.

Ultimately, Andrew Tavares's journey is one of continual growth, driven by a passion to provide solutions and a commitment to living with integrity. His story is not just about professional achievements but also about the values and personal qualities that define a life well-lived.