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China Economic Net
A brief introduction to China Economic Net ( China Economic Net ( is a major news website providing timely economic news reports, in-depth The development of China Economic Net ( In September 1999, China's Economic Daily...

China Radio International
China Radio International (CRI) was founded on December 3rd, 1941.CRI aims at promoting understanding and friendship between the people of China and people throughout the world. CRI broadcasts 290 hours of programs each day to all over the world...

Publication Company with branches in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China Hong Kong (t) +852-2398 8576 (f) +852-2396 9206 email: China, Beijing (t) +86-10-6834 9466 (f) +86-10-6834 9468 email: China, Shen Z...

Information is often the greatest asset in business. In many cases, it determines leaders from followers, winners from losers. Cincom, the world's most experienced software and services provider, has helped many of the world's leading organizati...

CIT Group
CIT Group is a leading commercial and consumer finance company which provides its clients with financing and leasing products and advisory services. Customers: Major vendors, distributors and retailers